Are you aware of our loyalty punch card offer? Any time you come into the shop to buy a bouquet of flowers, you are one step closer to a free $25 bouquet! A typical $25 floral bouquet would include a line flower, such as gladiolus or a snap dragon; 1 or 2 face flowers, such as roses or gerbera daisies; and 1 or 2 stems or spray flower, such as alstromeria or chrysanthemum; and your choice of greenery, such as eucalyptus or variegated oregonia. Of course we can also customize the bouquet based on your preferences to make sure you leave with the flowers you love! We’ve had a lot of success with this system so far, and coming into the shop allows you to check out all of the other great stuff we have in store, or grab a tea from our local Tea Trader, while we prepare your floral bouquet! Stay tuned for Part 2 of this blog, on how to keep your fresh cut flowers as fresh as possible in your home.  We hope to see you in the shop soon!